In President (or Asshole) be the first player to play all cards from their hand.
Win tricks early and often, that way you can dictate the flow of play for the rest of the hand. While it might be tempting to hold on to those power cards until just the right moment, your opponents might not give you a chance to play them.
- Deal the entire deck, as evenly as possible, to all players.
- The person to the left of the dealer begins play, playing either a single card or a set of cards of the same rank. Players then take turns playing cards of a higher rank, and a set of cards can only be beaten by a set of the same number of cards with a higher rank. Players do not have to play a card if they do not want to, and play continues until all players either cannot play, or pass.
- 2’s are trump cards, and can be played on both single cards and sets. The turn ends once that card is played.
- The person who played the highest card, or set of cards, wins the trick, and starts another round with a card, or set of cards, of their choice. If they choose to play a full set of four cards, the turn ends, and they start a new round.
- Play continues until all but one player has played all of their cards. The first person to empty their hands becomes President, and the second becomes Vice President. The last two players become Vice-Asshole and Asshole accordingly.
- Players then rearrange themselves around the table, starting with the President, and ending with the Asshole. The President then deals the next hand. Before play begins, the Asshole is required to give the President their two best cards for two cards of the President’s choosing, while the Vice-President and Vice-Asshole do the same, but with just one card.
- Play continues until a player has won 11 hands.